Intercare Awarded US Captive Review’s “Claims Handler of the Year”

Intercare Awarded US Captive Review's "Claims Handler of the Year". . .

Plaintiff Attorneys Hunting for Social Media Posts Made by ED Staff, Expert Witnesses

Article originally published in the ED LEGAL LETTER / November 2020, vol. 31, No. 11. Social media posts may be intended just for the eyes of co-workers, friends, or family. However, an attorney could use such posts against the hospital in malpractice litigation. “Many posts are made in frustration and at an emotional level, without. . .

Advanced Practice Providers See More Complex Patients, Sued More Often

Article originally published in the ED LEGAL LETTER / December 2020, vol. 31, No. 12. Only 18% of emergency medicine (EM) residency programs offer more than four hours a year of medical malpractice/risk management education, according to the authors of a recent study. More ED patients are visiting physician assistants (PAs) or advanced practice nurses. . .

Emergency Medicine Residency Programs Devote Little Time to Malpractice Education

Article originally published in the ED LEGAL LETTER / November 2019, vol. 30, No. 11. Only 18% of emergency medicine (EM) residency programs offer more than four hours a year of medical malpractice/risk management education, according to the authors of a recent study. “The lack of significant dedicated time devoted to malpractice/risk management was surprising. . .

Can Communication and Resolution Programs Prevent ED Malpractice Lawsuits?

Article originally published in the ED LEGAL LETTER / April 2019, vol. 30, No. 4. If an ED patient is seriously hurt by a medical error, a costly, yearslong malpractice lawsuit probably is inevitable, at least according to standard thinking. Yet there is growing awareness of an alternative to this all-too-familiar story. “A new approach. . .

Amy Evans Selected For BI’s 2020 “Women to Watch” Award

Intercare proudly announces that Amy Evans, Executive Vice President of the Intercare liability division, has been selected as one of the 30 honorees for the 2020 Women to Watch award. . .

Case Study: CMS

A retired firefighter filed a workers’ compensation claim for cardiomyopathy resulting in heart failure and ventricular tachycardia. He was prescribed anticoagulant therapy, received an aortocoronary bypass graft, and was internally implanted with a defibrillator. A retired firefighter filed a workers’ compensation claim for cardiomyopathy resulting in heart failure and ventricular tachycardia. He was prescribed anticoagulant. . .

Case Study: Clinical Round Table

A 49-year-old female is being treated for a five year injury. The injured worker had surgery on 4/10/2019. She is treated at various clinics and sees different providers including her primary care physician and surgeon. Medications prescribed prior to roundtable discussion on May 28, 2019 include: Cyclobenzaprine 10 mg 2x day Meloxicam 15 mg 1x. . .