
Apr 20 - 21 2020


All Day
Due to COVID-19, Event Postponed Until Further Notice

California Self-Insurer Association (CISA) 2020 [CANCELED]

Exceeding the Vision:  Are You On The Right Path To A Successful Self-Insurance Program?

Our 2020 Annual Meeting will be held at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, CA on April 20th and 21st.   The theme for this event is following up on our 2019 Employer Summit where the agenda was specifically designed for self-insured employers and employers with high deductible programs. The presentations were case examples of how employers can improve their outcomes and many of the reviews were very positive, stating that this was a first of its kind summit with sessions that were extremely valuable.

For the 2020 Annual Meeting, we will have an agenda where each session will have take-aways and be focused on ways that employers can improve the governance of their workers’ compensation programs.  The bottom line is that employers need to be involved in their workers’ compensation programs and our Annual Meeting will show you proven methods as to how you can be appropriately involved in better managing your claims program for positive results.

We have an outstanding group of speakers and topics for this year’s even and you can see the full agenda by clicking here.

The event is finished.