Author: Tracy J. Savage, RDH, JD
Claims Specialist III
Liability Division
Direct (714) 331-3758
[email protected]
What Are the Statutes of Limitations & Repose, And Why Do I Care?
As the claims administrator for various national healthcare programs, Intercare is often asked why patients can sue so many years after they were treated. The response is that every state provides a time frame after treatment concludes during which patients can assert a claim or lawsuit. The state laws are called the statute of limitations. . .
[READ MORE]Retaining and Destroying Medical Records
As the claims administrator for various national healthcare programs, Intercare Insurance Services fields numerous questions every year about records retention and destruction. When a patient leaves the practice, most providers seek to reduce the volume of paper charts in the office by destroying the chart; or similarly, by deleting the electronic record to open up. . .
[READ MORE]How to Properly Manage Retained Foreign Objects
Intercare handles claims professional liability claims for healthcare providers across the country. Most providers think of malpractice as performing a procedure improperly, or in other words, below the standard of care. However, malpractice also includes not only substandard treatment, but also the failure to properly act. For many providers, one of the most stressful parts. . .
[READ MORE]Oral Cancer Screenings
The statistics regarding oral cancer in America may be surprising to many. Approximately 42,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer each year. Of those, approximately 8,000 die each year and only 57% will live more than 5 years after the diagnosis. Unfortunately, the death rate associated with these types of cancers is particularly. . .
[READ MORE]Opioid Prescriptions and Dental Liability
As the preferred claims administrator for numerous national healthcare providers and organizations, Intercare handles various types of claims ranging from healthcare negligence to employer liability to licensing board matters, to name a few. One issue that has become more frequent over the last few years is liability for dentists who prescribe opioids. Although there have. . .
[READ MORE]Protective Eyewear: Is It Really Necessary?
As the claims administrator for various national dental programs, Intercare Insurance Services handles a wide variety of claims including Dental Board matters, sexual harassment claims, employment disputes, and informed consent matters. However, as may be expected, the majority of the claims involve allegations of professional negligence, or as they are commonly referred to, standard of. . .
[READ MORE]The Significance of Fraudulent Concealment Claims
Although the majority of claims brought against healthcare providers are that of malpractice or medical negligence, there is an almost endless list of claims that can be brought against healthcare professionals. As the claims administrator for numerous national healthcare programs, Intercare Insurance Services handles a wide range of claims against healthcare providers from simple negligence. . .
[READ MORE]Sexual Harassment Claims
ARE YOU SETTING YOURSELF UP? As the claims management team for the numerous companies across the country, our office receives thousands of claims every year. More of these claims involve allegations of sexual harassment that you may expect. Sexual harassment claims can lead to civil lawsuits, criminal charges and even licensing board discipline. The vast. . .
[READ MORE]Defending Informed Consent Claims
As expected, the vast majority of “dental malpractice” claims and lawsuits are those involving standard of care allegations. In other words, the patient is alleging that the quality of care they received fell below industry standards. However, many of the claims that we handle involve allegations of lack of informed consent prior to treatment. Informed. . .